
My life seems to be in limbo right now...and then again it's also status quo.  It's amazing to me how life just keeps going day after day after day.  It's not going to stop if I don't get the dishes washed.  It's not going to stop because I think my kids are growing up too fast.  It just keeps going.

But this waiting?  To find out if our life is going to drastically change? It's killing me.  And I can only imagine how much it is killing T.  See, we are struggling right now in the reality we are facing with T's current job.  This October he will have been at this job for 5 years.  Five years is the point in which you are considered "vested" with the state retirement system.  Essentially after 5 years any money you've socked away in their system is now there forever...until you are able to draw from it.  At this point?  There is no way he will hit 20 years with the state.  The master's degree he's working on right now will guarantee that. So I'd kinda like that money put elsewhere to be more productive for him/us in the future.

I'd just like an answer, because so much is riding on this job.  Not the least of which is my sanity.


  1. i'm sorry :( in my world, being vested is a good thing, so i have no flipping clue how you deal with that. can you opt out and put it in private retirement?

  2. ((hugs)) I can only imagine how hard the waiting must be.

  3. Waiting sucks. Passing you a big ole glass of wine. xo

  4. How much longer do you have to wait? I thought an answer was supposed to come this week??

  5. BOO to waiting. That sucks. It's so anxiety-inducing. Bleah. Well, hang in there and just try to focus on the present, treasure what you have now. And when that doesn't work, opt for wine. :) {hugs!}

  6. Hang in there. Waiting can be so difficult and frustrating. I am still crossing my fingers for Spain for you! :)

  7. Okay, I'm behind on my blogs...I know you'll get through this with most of your sanity, but I'm sorry the waiting is so hard.

    I remember waiting on job offers, wondering if I'd be moving to New York, Texas or (shutter) Mississippi. Would we be tearing the family apart for a temporary job - leaving A in our "home base" in DC and me across the country? Your wait on one job, though, is waaaaay longer than any of mine were...I hope yours goes better than mine did.



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