Something happened when I wasn't looking

I think this blog has turned into a photo blog.  I look back on most of my posts and the majority of them are my weekly pictures or You Capture posts.  All my training stuff has moved over to my running blog.  It's a little sad.

But I'm not feeling inspired to come up with fun things to write about here.  I don't feel inspiring or interesting unless I'm doing some awesome training run (or bitching about how crappy the last one was), and now that I'm not officially training for anything, I feel boring and a little lost.

So don't leave me.  I'll be back to writing something interesting one day.


  1. You know I'll be here. smootches

  2. Still here! And feel free to write about anything - even feeling bored and a little lost. I'm sure that's an important part of the process too: the decompression after something that's been such a big part of your life.

  3. I know how you feel. It happened to me after all the ex-husband stalker crap and I still don't feel like I'm back. Don't worry about me though - I won't leave. And I do like your pics. :)


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