You Capture - Happy


Winter coating my new sticker makes me happy.

This little owl and the patience he inspires makes me happy.

This floor? That belongs to my 10yo. 
Who cleaned her room and found this floor...
without being asked
makes me extremely happy.

Check out Beth's place for more things that make people happy!


  1. oh your 26.2 sticker makes me happy too! And a clean room - very, very happy!

  2. Love your sticker! =^) And if that owl ever goes missing, I don't know anything about it. Really.

  3. Love the clean floor! Always nice when that happens :).

  4. The last one is my fav! If someone around here would pick up without me telling them I would be INSANELY happy!

  5. Nice, Kirsten! I like your variety. I especially like the clean floor complements of your 10 year old. I know how that feels. I think one of my ten year olds (out of six) cleaned his or her floor one time at least. And I'm sure it made me REALLY happy!

  6. She voluntarily cleaned her room??? Awesome.


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