You Capture - My Best of 2010


My oldest two on the ferris wheel in Scheel's. 

I love where I live.

I'm in love with him. 

This was a day that I remember fondly
and with tears of happiness

RIP, Gracie. You're missed. 

The year my middle girl became a swimmer.

My Sweet Pea

The first time in a long time a picture was taken of 
my parents, brother and I.

The gymnast

Again. Love where I live.

My sweet Sass.

Simplicity of snow.

Our first Christmas morning posed shot. 


  1. I love all of them so I won't pick a favorite. :)

  2. I live the pictures & I love you!

  3. Aww what sweet photos!! Looks like the year had some really great moments!

  4. Great photos! I love them all...I adore the first one. Happy 2011.

  5. I love them all - the looks on your girls' faces in the first photo, where you live, the swimming photo, your sweet dog. It's hard to choose a favorite!!

  6. These are all great! And way to go being so patient and generous to grow your hair long enough to donate! What an incredible gift!

  7. I love where you live too except that it's too far from me - WAH! Great captures my friend!

  8. What a great set of memories! I love that you love where you live, and it's easy to see why. So beautiful! Your family is beautiful And your year in review is perfect!

  9. You have a beautiful family. I love where you live, too. And I'm glad you shared your pics with us.

  10. Such sweet pictures!
    Your pup was precious!

  11. I love where you live, too. I'm jumping on a plane and getting my ass over there, STAT. Oh wait a minute, you will be gone this weekend running that little thing called a marathon- good luck girl. I love you!!!!

  12. Dude...great shots...but!!! Your scheel's has a ferris wheel!?! Ours just has a tree!


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