2011 - A Day In The Life - Week 5

Sunday 1/30
Level 4 gymnastics team at beginning of the meet.
Mine is second in line staring at the floor. 

Monday 1/30

Technically this is a picture for Tuesday, but...
this was what time I went to bed Monday night. 


Gosh! Ain't she cute? 

Wednesday 2/1

It decided to be winter again.  
I like winter.  It's been too much like spring the last few weeks. 

Thursday 2/2

Love her eyelashes in this one. 
(took this one on manual!)

Friday 2/4

Sand dollar from the Oregon coast. 
Had dinner at my parents' house with some friends in from out of town. 
They came bearing little bags full of san dollars and shells from the beach.
(taken on manual too!)

Saturday 2/5


(because I couldn't not post this one because it made me laugh)

T and a buddy with their drinks and the empty bottles that made them. 


  1. FUN PHOTOS!! YAY U for doing the manual mode!!!

  2. YOu have a great eye for catching good shots!
    Great as always!

  3. Your gymnast was in the zone! T and his buddy were probably in a zone too, after finishing those bottles :)

  4. Oh fun and cute! Love the photo of the empty bottles. and the sand dollar is so cool!

  5. Oh my heart. Saturday's photo is amazing.

    She looks so serious in the first photo!


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