2011 - A Day In The Life - Week 7

Sunday 2/13
From scratch cinnamon rolls. 
They were yum. 
We managed to save some for day 2...barely

Monday 2/14

This was one of the hearts Sweet Pea came home w/from her preschool Valentine's Day party. 
I know that it would mean something totally different to a 5yo, but still...
I confiscated it. 

Tuesday 2/15

Only in Nevada do you see a cab with ad for a "gentleman's club" on it. 

Wednesday 2/16

There is the house I pass every day on the way to preschool.  
They have ducks...or ducks have them. 
There are 7 in this picture. 
I've seen upwards of 20 before. 
Not sure where they go when they are getting fed in the morning. 

Thursday 2/17

I love snow.  
I love snowy trees. 
I love cottonwoods covered in snow. 
Winter makes me happy.

Friday 2/18

Snow on the chain link fence at the pool.
Have I mentioned snow makes me happy? 

Saturday 2/19

Icicles hanging from the roof in my backyard.  
Can you see the hint of blue sky reflected in them? 
Guess what? 
I love snow and winter. 


  1. I love your snow pictures, but I am sick of snow. And ice. And freezing rain (which is hitting my window as I type).

  2. Love the snowy photos, but you can totally keep the snow. :) The cinnamon rolls, though. I'd pay good money for those.

  3. Um... can you make me some cinnamon rolls?

  4. Love the snow pictures! I can live vicariously through you... I miss the snow SOOO much!


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