Accent Vlog

So now that I have a handy dandy iPhone I was able to not only record a video using my phone but also get it to upload to youtube.  Miracles do happen.  Now, the second miracle needs to be me being able to get it to embed in this post. 

Essentially the point of this vlog is to see and hear the differences in vernacular across the country.  I've seen Mel's, Brooke's, Tiffany's, Melissa's, and Bari's.  I think that's it.  Following the hopeful embedding of the vlog is going to be the list of words and questions to be answered if you care to join in.  It was pretty fun.  I haven't looked back at it, so if I have shifty eyes (which I probably do) or I have weird mannerisms (don't tell me about them).  (Oh, and don't you just *love* the still frame?)

If you want to follow along or do the Accent Vlog yourself, here are the words/questions: Aunt, Route, Wash, Oil, Theater, Iron, Salmon, Caramel, Fire, Water, Sure, Data, Ruin, Crayon, Toilet, New Orleans, Pecan, Both, Again, Probably, Spitting image, Alabama, Lawyer, Coupon, Mayonnaise, Syrup, Pajamas, Caught

•What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?
•What is the bug that when you touch it, it curls into a ball?
•What is the bubbly carbonated drink called?
•What do you call gym shoes?
•What do you say to address a group of people?
•What do you call the kind of spider that has an oval-shaped body and extremely long legs?
•What do you call your grandparents?
•What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?
•What do you call it when rain falls while the sun is shining?
•What is the thing you change the TV channel with?


  1. jay walked in and was like "hey that voice is familiar" :P

    ps - no one thinks they have an accent.

  2. So proud of your techie accomplishments!

    You are so cute - loved that you did this. I'll forgive the soda comment since you said I was right in calling a supermarket a grocery store :)


  3. Sunshower? Whatevs. I've never even heard of that.

    And I don't think you have an accent either.

  4. Yay! Love hearing your sweet voice again. :) FWIW, I don't think you have an accent either.

  5. You totally have an accent to ME. But I'm from the Texas so... I'm sure I have one to you too, right? I may have to do this.

    I just loved hearing your voice. We need to do some of these at HC just so we can hear each other.

    And also, I wanted to say that you didnt' seem to have as much of an accent when saying the specific words as you did when just talking...

  6. I agree with Elaine!! Just talking you sounded "accenty" to me, but reading the words not so much! Loved hearing your voice!

  7. The still shot is fabulous! And I loved watching this. I felt like I was face-timing with you again except you wouldn't let me get a word in. :)


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