
So after yesterday my world seems a little melancholy.  To be honest, Spain was probably a long shot.  Though we were hopeful T's experience with the military would have made him a prime candidate because  if you know the military you know they work from a totally different frame of reference and to have someone who understands the military (even though this was a contract position) usually makes a difference.  Or maybe they had previously had military people running the show and they were hoping for a change in perspective.  Who knows.  All I know is that the search will go on.  Because T is not one to be complacent.  It took almost a year before he got out of his last crappy job situation.  Though, to be fair, it was almost a year ago that they started with the furlough days and lack of overtime.

It's weird to think that we've been in one place for over 4 years.  This is a first for us.  Well, it's a first in that we have no current plans to leave where we are.  I've lived my life in 2-year or 4-year increments.  I am happy where I'm at overall.  And I think T is too except for the whole crappy job thing.

So here we sit.  In our house.  Together.  And in the end? That's what matters.


  1. That is what matters. ((hugs)) my friend.

  2. men are so different than us, and i'm sure your support for him right now means more than you'll ever understand

  3. I'm so sorry for the disappointment. But, as you said, he's not one to be complacent. Before you know it, there might be something even better waiting for you.

  4. It's been 4 years since you moved??? Seriously? Where did the time go?

  5. Definitely what matters, but hopefully the job situation gets fixed soon. It's no fun having a hubby that doesn't like his job!


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