Things That Make You Go Hmmm

I'm a big fan of Jade over at Tasting Grace.  Like a huge windmill-sized fan.  I'm not sure when I started reading her blog, but she's 1000 kinds of awesome.  Currently she and her husband are living in Thailand.  They moved from Southern California to Thailand.  Because they wanted to.  How awesome is that?   There is a lot more to the story.  Here's the background.  See? All kinds and shades of awesome.

But not only is she a fantabulous writer, she's got heart and insightfulness and friendship.  I'm proud and lucky to call her a friend.

Today she wrote about an experience she had about a month ago.  She and her husband were in an accident.  Everyone's fine, but you must go read it.  Because these last couple of sentences? These here?

Holding on to fear and anger will only create more pain. Clinging will only bring anxiety and hurt.
Rings so true and so clear to me.  Such a simple statement but so profound and so true.  And I couldn't thank her enough for her words that get me *right here* in my heart.  Thanks, Jade.  


  1. I will go and read her now, but you're right: holding onto fear or grudges or anxiety or any sort only causes an emotional cancer to grow within us. Any kind of cancer in our bodies or souls sucks the life out of what we can enjoy.

    Let it go, man. Let it go....


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