2011 - A Day In The Life - Week 10

Sunday 3/6
My blurry Sweet Pea. 
How she is not a chubby toddler anymore?

Monday 3/7
Got my hairs cut.  Thinning shears are my friend. 

Tuesday 3/8
Sweet Pea with her bubbly hat. 

Wednesday 3/9
Goofy faces pass the time in Costco. 
(Trust me that this was "good" picture I took. 
The other one was of her rash on her legs. 
And even our doctor admitted it looked ugly.)

Thursday 3/10
We had rain.  Which lead to a rainbow. 
Bizarre weather we've been having. 
Relatively warm for March. 

Friday 3/11
This? This was stress eating.  
This was me enjoying sugar instead of the adult weekend trip we were planning. 
Being an adult can suck it. 

Saturday 3/12
Oh look! More stress eating! 
I ate two.  They were yummy. 


  1. I'd be happy to join you in the stress eating. Especially if it means two cadbury eggs...

  2. You can have any Cadbury eggs the Easter Bunny happens to leave at my house, but if he brings any more of those little red velvet thingies-they're all mine!

  3. oh your stress eating looks pretty awesome. yummmm.

  4. I've never had a Cadbury Cream Egg. And I think little controlled sizes are a very good way to stress eat.


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