2011 - A Day In The Life - Week 12

Sunday 3/20
I love this picture. It had snowed but started to warm up. 
The snow slide down T's windshield and made this "wave". 
Winter can be so cool!

Monday 2/21

Remember, it's my blog. I can post 20 million pictures of clouds and mountains if I want to. 
Btw. Love where I live.

Tuesday 3/22

Sweet Pea in the fun mirror at the children's museum. 
I love how she clashes yet matches. 

Wednesday 3/23

Snowy morning as seen through my windshield at preschool dropoff. 

Thursday 3/24

What I was wearing. 
Post run. (See my running shoes on the bottom right?)

Friday 3/25

Waiting for the music to begin on her floor routine. 
Which she scored a 9.1!
(Her best score this season!)


My All-Around Bronze Medalist!
So proud of her.  This was a huge state meet. 
There were teams from as far south as Vegas and as far east as Elko. 

Saturday 3/26

Got this mug last summer when I was in Chicago.
But the winds yesterday afternoon were so strong we should be considered "The Windy State"


  1. Congrats to your girl! Bronze all-around is a huge accomplishment :)

    And, as usual, your pictures all rock!

  2. Congratulations to your bronze girl!

    PS - Chicago is awesome.

  3. Congrats to your girl on the bronze all-around! :) And I love your photos - snow and all!


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