2011 - A Day In The Life - Week 9

Sunday 2/27
Homemade cheesy crackers take 1. 
They were a mix of the shredded cheese in a bag you get from Costco and Dubliner's cheese. 
The girls weren't sure about them. Next time I'm going to make them with cheddar and roll them out thinner. 

Monday 2/28

When I picked up Sweet Pea at school I got asked why I was so dressed up. 
I was wearing yoga pants, a long-sleeve black Tee with this jacket on top. 
I'll take that as dressing up. 

Tuesday 3/1

Have I mentioned I love the mountains covered in snow? 
Yeah, I think I have.

Wednesday 3/2

Virtual toast with my girls was made with this. 

Thursday 3/3

Oh look! I like clouds too!

Friday 3/4

Made with a new app Diptic.  
It makes me happy. 
This has been on my keychain since November 2007. 
I participated in NWM at home using Nike+. It was my 13.1 around town. 
I ran the first 10 miles and slowly walked the last 13+ miles home.  
It gave me a taste of distance running. 

Saturday 3/5

My girl in the middle of her beam routine.  It was the best routine I've seen in a long time. 
She earned a silver medal for it.  So proud of her. 


  1. Very nice pictures this week!

  2. LOVE the last picture of your girl on the beam. :)

  3. Congrats on the silver!

    And I think that's a very dressy coat. =^)

  4. HOLY WOW to the pic of your girl!!

  5. Love the last picture, and the snow covered mountains!

  6. your pictures this week are GORGEOUS! i especially love the one of YOU!!! That needs to be put somewhere, I LOVE IT!

  7. Gah she looks so grown up! Noooooo! And love the coat. You DO look dressed up.


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