Life - Sometimes I'm not strong enough for it.

Today my heart is sad.  And that's an understatement.  Today brings with it a reality that I know I will have to face but I selfishly hope it is a long time from now.  I've written on a couple of occasions about my dad.  I can't say enough good things about his honor and integrity.  I've even lambasted him for raising me to believe that all people had common sense.  Because that is who is he is.  Logical yet loving.  Strong but always willing to hand out a hug or open his door/answer the phone to any request big or small that I've needed help with over the years.  He set the bar high for all other men in my life.  Luckily T does a pretty job keeping up. :)

But I know of another dad who has been equally awesome to his daughter.  Another dad who won't be there anymore to answer the phone and provide the unconditional love and support he always has.  I feel honored to have met and spent time with him.  He had a heart that was so big, you could see and feel the love just being around him.  His smile lit up the room. And his eyes sparkled with that smile.  I have to admit I only met him on not even a handful of occasions, but from my friendship I knew what kind of man he was.  He was always there for her, even financially when they didn't have extra to give.  He never wavered in his support of his daughter (and I'm sure the rest of the family).

I feel her loss so personally, not only because she's one of my best friends, not only because I had met him, not only because I logically knew what an amazing person he was, but because their relationship was how I feel about my dad and our relationship.  And I can.not fathom life without him.  Although, I know the time will come; it always does.  But the thought is gut-wrenching.  And I know she is feeling it today.  I know that feeling will persist for her.  And all I wish I could do was to wrap my arms around her and let her cry.  I know there is nothing I can do to bring him back.  Nothing I can do to ease the pain, but know that I'm here, my friend.  I will always be here for you.  ((hugs))


  1. Beautifully written. I can empathize. ((hugs)) to you and your friend.

  2. what a tribute! {{{hugs girls}}}

  3. Oh this makes my heart very very sad. I'm sorry for your friend's loss.

  4. very, very beautifully written. you are such a wonderful friend. Loveyou.

  5. You're such an amazing friend, Kirsten. I'm so sorry for your sweet friends loss :(

  6. I cannot imagine losing my father either. So sorry for her loss...


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