You Capture - Technology

When Beth announced "technology" as this week's challenge, I was originally going to take pictures of all the stuff in my house that has to do with technology.  And then I had a better idea.  I'm a bit of a pack rat/tree hugger.  I have most of the old technology in my house that I've acquired over the years.  So I thought I'd take us on an evolutionary path.

First I bring you cells phones
I'm missing my first cell phone ala end of 2001. 
Sweet Pea was playing with it yesterday and now it's MIA. 
It's a little blue early flip-type phone. 

And now on to the cameras

This is a 35mm film camera. 
This camera took all of the Gymnast's pictures for the first two years of her life. 
It's a good little camera. 

Our first digital camera is not pictured. 
It met a watery death when I handed it down to the kids. 
Sweet Pea thought it looked dirty so she took the battery out and was giving it a bath
with lots of soapy bubbles.

This was our second digital camera. 
It worked hard and got me through the first year or so of You Capture. 
I learned a lot with this camera. 

In talking about cameras, I can't leave out my latest trusty phone. 
My iPhone 4 and Instagram. 
I'm pretty much in love with it. 
Here it is with a picture I took yesterday. 

And two Christmases ago T bought me this one. 

I've had so much fun with it. 
I've even ventured out into the world of Manual mode. 
(Check out this picture I took in manual mode!)

And finally music

This radio/record player came with our house. 
It's a piece of furniture in its own right. 
It's a Magnavox and has awesome sound.


Boom box with a tape deck. 
You don't see these very often anymore. 

And finally

Even though it has an older Nano in it, 
iPod docking radio that lives in shared bedroom of my two youngest.  



  1. Great interpretation of the assignment!

  2. At my parents house, we can trace the evolution of music by lining up all the incarnations of the Beatles Magical Mystery Tour - vinyl album, 8 track, cassette tape, CD, and digial download.

    And I love your manual photo. =^)

  3. Love your manual photo - and I wish I had thought of tracking down all of my old cell phones. That could have been pretty funny. :)

  4. LOL that's awesome! And good for you to move towards manual! That's a great photo! I'm still scared to go full manual...(actually, mostly just impatient to fidget with the buttons).

  5. A walk down memory lane is always fun, thanks for sharing.

  6. I love that you were able to do this! How fun to literally see the evolution of our everyday technology.

  7. Very cool evolution of technology! Boom boxes, ahhh brings back my teenage years! Loved your post!

  8. What a great evolution of technology! You really captured some great ideas this week and I love how you went all the way back to the LP! :-)

  9. Love this! Brings back memories. Wish I had a photo of my first camera ... a 110 film camera with the flash bulbs that popped. How I used to love that smell! Great post!

  10. I so planned on doing the same thing but time got away! I love this!

  11. Oh my- I have the same razor phone & upgraded to the BB pearl just like yours- only I then changed to the BB Storm2 now. Also have one of those big ol' stereos in our house too.

    Great takes on technology!!

  12. Oh, the boom box! Good times! =>

  13. I love your technology evolution photos. What a creative idea and you did a great job capturing it!

  14. great idea for the challenge!

    I love your story about your first digital camera and the 'bath'!

  15. Great story! My first cell phone was from 1992, and was one of the old bag phones. Wish I had a photo of that!

  16. Wow - you got so creative with your technology shots :D Good work, Friend!

  17. Oooh, lots of good technology! I should have kept all of my cameras too. I know we still have some... Nice to see you! :)

  18. I cannot believe that you saved everything! Is it all organized or was it hard to find?

    I enjoyed your post a lot.


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