2011 - A Day In The Life - Week 14

Sunday 4/3
Sweet Pea at the bounce house place for a birthday party. 

Monday 4/4

She wanted me to take her picture like this. 
She's weird. 

Tuesday 4/5

Check her out. Ballerina tutu and 5 sizes too big black heels. 

Wednesday 4/6

It was a beautiful day in the park. 
Minus the wind. 
I don't enjoy the wind. 

Thursday 4/7

Me, post short run. 
That did nothing to improve my mood. 

Friday 4/8

They girls. They are waiting for T's plane to land. 
I think they missed him. 

Saturday 4/9

Have I  mentioned I think where I live is beautiful? 
These are the sheep I saw on my run
but they were further down in the field than they were in the morning.  
They were so cute. 


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