Military Ball

So way back towards the beginning of the year, T mentioned something about the military ball and did I want to go.  I might have stared at him blanking and blinked my eyes a couple of times.  Military ball = me dressing up = lots of effort on my part.  He *might* have batted his eyes at me sweetly and reminded me that he did buy his dress mess uniform and shouldn't he get to wear it at least once a year?

About a month ago he calls me and says I got us tickets.  And I my have sighed.  But see, I'm a good wife. I knew there would be a dress and heels and makeup and schmoozing, but because he wanted to introduce me to the new people he works with at the guard here in NV.  And because I'm a good wife and I love my husband, I acquiesced to his request.

It involved painting toenails and lipstick.  It had me using gel in my hair and a curling iron - because I couldn't wear a fancy dress and I have my same old floofy hair, right? I called it The Girlification of 2011.  Because it only happens once a year at most.  Although after wearing my heels I think it's been longer than a year since I last wore them.  Running feet and heels don't mix for me.

I posted this one on facebook. 
There were lots of comments because really? Most of my friends have never seen me in a dress. 
It might have shocked a few. 

Here's my date. 

I'm a lucky girl. 

Also, in addition to the strapless bra, the painted toenails, makeup, gel, heels, and the amazingly cheap dress I found ($27!), I also won a giveaway over at Natalie's The Bobby Pin.  I can't for the life of me remember how I ended up there - I probably clicked on some link on twitter for a giveaway - because I'm all about the free stuff.  So when Natalie told me I won my choice of shapewear, I thought this dress would be the perfect situation to wear it.  Even if I was uncomfortable in the thing, I'd probably be uncomfortable all over due to the Girlification, so I'd give it a try.  This is the closet model I can find on their website. Mine didn't have the leg part, it was a bikini bottom.  No, you're not getting a picture of me in it.  It did help with the pre-TOM bloat I had going on.  It was pretty comfortable, though I did have to do a little creative folding since my dress was essentially strapless, but it worked and I was never uncomfortable.  Is it something I will wear again? Maybe the next time Girlification happens - which I'm hoping is no where in the near future.  I'm all worn out on being girly.  


  1. that is a super hawt dress and a super great deal!

  2. I loved seeing you all dressed up. You, my dear, looked gorgeous! I showed your picture to D and he said "WOW!" ;)

  3. You are gorgeous - girlified or not. Your date wasn't 1/2 bad either :)

  4. Hawt!!! I have to do the same thing this Friday for Corey's work. I hope my dress gets here (and, um, fits) before then!

  5. {catcall}

    You are one hawt mama! Love the dress!

  6. Totally hot. I am going to make you wear a dress and heels with me next time I see you.


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