2011 - A Day In The Life - Week 18

Sunday 5/1
Ashley, Beki and I post 13.1. 

Monday 5/2

The rose my girls brought me last week. 

Tuesday 5/3

Me.  On the treadmill.  Wearing my pink shirt from Sunday's race. 
(Why pink? But it's a tech tee.  And it was free.  So I will wear it.)

Wednesday 5/4

The tulips blooming outside of Sweet Pea's school.

Thursday 5/5

Happy Cinco de Mayo!!

Friday 5/6

Sweet Pea singing songs at the Mother's Day luau at school.

Saturday 5/7

This? So yummy.  Our friend Ray, who was visiting this weekend, 
bought it for me because he knew I liked it and wanted to say "thanks" 
for us putting him up for the weekend. 
It had been almost 5 years since we've seen him. 
It was good. 


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