2011 - A Day In The Life - Week 21

Sunday 5/22
Bari and I on the shuttle back to the airport from Fitbloggin
We might have been delirious at this point. 
In fact, it's quite likely. 

Monday 5/23

Sass decided since camping that my BSU beanie is her new favorite hat. 
I personally think she looks pretty cute. 

Tuesday 5/24

Steak.  It's what was for dinner. 

Wednesday 5/25

It was a hat day. 

Thursday 5/26

A beautiful day! 
(I sorta wonder what happened to it; it's cold now)

Friday 5/27

Mmm. Dinner out for date night. 
Bailey's, fresh sourdough
Falafel spoons, salmon

The salmon? Was probably in the best lemon/white wine sauce I've ever had. 

Saturday 5/28

Me and Sass volunteering at the swim meet.


  1. I miss my winggirl! We were most definitely delirious on that shuttle ride - no other explanation.

    Can't wait to meet your awesome girls in a few weeks!

  2. I need those mountains. Bad.
    Delirious bus rides? Those are the best!


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