Oh my

I've been in a blogging slump lately.  There is either not enough time to get it all done or I feel like what I want to say isn't really appropriate to be sharing across the internets.  Not that I don't love you all, because I do, but there's the whole privacy of others that needs to be respected.  Eh.  What are you gonna do, right?

The kids are finishing up their last couple of weeks of school.  Some days happy to know the years is almost over and some days trudging through the day because "why can't I just be done already?"  Yeah, me too, kid!

I have yet to begin *any* kind of packing for our 5-week cross country road trip.  I suppose I should probably start making lists or something.  But right now I'm focused on getting a little reprieve from daily life when tomorrow afternoon I am heading to Baltimore for FitBloggin!  I'm quite excited.  I wasn't sure how I was going to make this happen when I found out my name was picked for the free conference fee plus $100 cash.  And to be honest, I probably should be spending the money on something different, but I so need this break.

T is taking the girls camping this weekend while I'm gone.  He's quite brave.  Unfortunately the friends that were planning on going with him cancelled.  I'm hoping they all don't kill each other this weekend and that they have fun.  They deserve to have fun too.

If you're curious how my running is going, you need to head over to the running blog.  I'm posting once a week over there with all the details of what I've been up to.  I've officially started my upper body conditioning for Tough Mudder.  And did you know that Beki is going to participate too?  Yay!!

The weather here in Northern Nevada has been weird.  We had 2 warm, spring-like days at the beginning of May and then we've had many more cold blustery days.  My brother went snowboarding at Squaw Valley on Monday and they had fresh powder.  I'm not complaining, mind you, because I will be traveling through the south and southwest next month, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be complaining about the heat then.  But I'm sure all my fabulous hostesses will be taking care of me with icy beverages, right?

I've been working on a secret photo book for my parents.  They celebrate their 40th anniversary this year.  I need to some how get a family picture of my little brood today.  I'd like to get the book ordered so I have it in hand for my trip.  With my Granny's 90th birthday and my cousin's wedding at the end of June, I figure I should be able to get most of the family to sign it for them.  I hope it turns out okay.  I use Snapfish and have always been very happy with their products.  They have a service for digitalizing your old pictures, negatives, or slides..and it's pretty reasonably priced.  Unfortunately they wanted 4-6 weeks to get it done.  I don't have four to six weeks.  Boo!  So the best I could do was take pictures of pictures.  They seemed to turn out pretty well.  The only one I'm a little worried about is their wedding picture which is blown up for the cover.  I hope it's not too pixelated.  I'm only talking about this here because I know they have no idea about this blog.  Heck, my dad still has a cell phone that is only a phone.  He does go on the computer and futz, but neither one of them spend any time on the computer.  Unlike their daughter.  *Ahem*.

So there's a little synopsis of life lately.


  1. There will definitely be icy beverages for when you make it to Michigan. Heck, we can even take a little drive and toss the girls in the Big Lake while we drink the icy beverages :)

  2. i haven't started preparing for Camp Fradd either. EEEK! ;)

  3. caught up! Yay! Now, the idea for your parents is awesome. My dad has that same phone, I believe. We can't pry it from him! One day...actually, no, because we got him an iPod touch, and we spend more time teaching him to use it...!

  4. I think you should create an anonymous blog and email us all the new address so we can keep up with what's going on in your life! Miss you girl!

    Thanks for the update though! And I love the photo book idea. I'm sure they'll be thrilled and touched by it!

  5. Hope you have a great weekend of fun, relaxing and hugs with all the wonder SJ ladies!! Enjoy!!


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