You Capture - Outside


Oh man, how I've missed You Capture.  I just have been in a slump and unmotivated to take pictures lately.  Which makes me sad, but when you're motivation escapes you, it's hard to find out why and then get back into the swing of things.  But I'm happy to report I've got pictures! From the outdoors!  Yay!!

My self portrait in front of the Reno arch before my last half marathon. 
It was a beautiful morning if not a bit on the chilly side...
which in my opinion makes for the best runs. 

My oldest girl at her gymnastics banquet. 
I  love how the not only does the sun shine of her hair beautifully, 
I actually caught a real smile.  They don't happen enough. 

Check out what other outdoorsy pictures were taken at Beth's


  1. Love your "self picture"! :-)

  2. great self portrait! I always forget to get a picture of myself :)

  3. I'm in the same boat with pictures...I'll live vicariously through you!

  4. Lovely girls and self portraits are so important. My girlfriend does a self portrait Sunday you should check it out.

    Here is my photo


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