#insaneroadtrip day 18

The nearing of day 20 is sorta freaking me out because I was so stressed the week before we left and now? Now we are almost on our way home. Crazy.

Today? Today was peaceful and amazing for my soul. The ocean is like the mountains for me. Something about the expanse of the open water just blows my mind. The girls? They loved the ocean.

I even got my Shrinking Jeans bootcamp workout done on the beach. This was my view.

Listening to the waves crash in and the girls screeching? It was still perfect.

Afterwards we came home and had lunch and rested. Then we hit the boardwalk in Ocean City, MD. We had Thrashers fries (yum!)

Then we bought the girls shaved ice

My parents also took them on the big ferris wheel at the end if the boardwalk.

Now? Now we are enjoying delish pizza and red wine. I would have taken a picture of the pizza but I was hungry and it's gone. Buts here's a picture of the wine.

Tomorrow we head to Calabash, NC for the night and then on to Charleston.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. What a great day! So jealous of your time at the beach, but maybe even more jealous of the wine.

    ps-I get to hug you in 6 days!!!!

  2. I just keep getting more and more jealous. My favorite places are the mountains and the ocean and you've hit both.

  3. ooohhh, enjoy the beach and Charleston. I'm loving your updates!!


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