#insaneroadtrip day 22

This morning started out early. 5:30 to be exact. T's flight left at just shy of 7. After dropping him off I hit up Starbucks for coffee, breakfast for me and some chocolate milk for the girls. Then I headed back to the hotel to pack up the truck. We had to say goodbye to my parents, niece and Granny. Granny is the hardest one. The whole just turned 90, mortality thing hits her every time. She loves us and the little girls so much, the last few years she says goodbye like it may be the last. And it breaks my heart. She is an amazing lady.

On the road again! But today, die to the change in plans mentioned yesterday, made our drive a nice and easy 5-hour drive back to Brooke's house. It was a lovely drive and I did get this one picture.

The drive was uneventful and then we got back here.

Jay grilled us chicken and potatoes for dinner. The girls watched the 5th Harry Potter movie and now are pretending to be asleep.

Granted I'm heading up shortly myself as 5 am is going to come awfully early.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. I'm glad Brooke & Jay treated you well today. I love you girl - drive safe tomorrow & there will be food & drinks when you all get here.

  2. Insane Road Trip is truly living up to its name! Glad you had a fairly uneventful day today, sounds like you are due for smooth sailing all the way home now. :)


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