#insaneroadtrip day #24

Yay for sleeping in! The girls woke up around 8:30. They didn't want to head upstairs without me. I conceded at 9. Bari is awesome and brought me home a mocha.

It was a pretty mellow day except for all of the attitude the girls were dishing out. I sorta wanted to smack them all at various times throughout the day. We ended up taking them over to the school where Bari works and let them play on the playground for an hour. During which time all three of them were in tears at various points. Woot! Go me! But I did get a few pictures of them happy.

It was at this point that we decided to definitely do a run with her local running group. I needed it desperately. So we came home, Bari made some mac-and-cheese for the kids and we left her D in charge of the girls. And off we went.

We met up with Pete too!

And then we ran. Four miles. The last one I decided I needed to go full force. I needed to push and push hard. I ran my fourth mile in 8:25. It was hard and fast but I needed it desperately. It felt awesome. Granted the knees felt a bit tired afterwards, but it was good.

Here we are post run and sweaty.

We came home, B made dinner and then I got the girls ready for bed because I had a board meeting to call into at 9:30. So now I sit on the couch drinking a glass of wine and chatting.

Tomorrow we are hoping to get the girls out in some water and let them play. Hopefully they will have a better day.

And I leave you with the end of my wine, Squirt and B's knees.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. considering you have been gone for MORE than 3 weeks and your girls have traveled more than halfway across the US I would say they have behaved pretty well based on what you have shared! A day of melt-downs here and there is to be expected, right?? I'm sure your run tonight will help your stress level, too! Hope you have a great time visiting with Bari!

  2. I'm glad you got to run! I'm sure it felt great. Hope today is a good one!

  3. So glad you have a few days to recharge with Bari!

  4. I luff you. I'm so glad we went running Tuesday night and that we were able to end the night with a nice bottle of wine.


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