2011 - A Day In The Life - Week 29

Sunday 7/17

Six miles outside for the first time in over a month. 

Monday 7/18

This puppy was one of Sass's favorites.  It's been lost for *years*. 
They found him in the bottom of a sleeping bag we obviously haven't used in years. 

Tuesday 7/19

Like the headband? I didn't buy it.  
Not enough hair to justify a headband.

Wednesday 7/20

Sweet Pea and our friend Miss Barbara.  
She was in town for one night and we all went out to eat.

Thursday 7/21

Allergy drugs!! 
Lots of them = happy Kirsten 

Friday 7/22

Post Shrinking Jeans bootcamp run. 
Hot, sweaty mess. 

Saturday 7/23

So proud of my girl, Sass.
She participated in the kids triathlon sponsored through the local pool. 
She swam, biked, and ran hard.  


  1. way to go Sass!! (And love the headband, by the way. You should have bought it!)

  2. This is just a good week, all around!

  3. Great pictures! Awesome job on the tri, Sass! What a great example you are to your daughters, Kirsten!

  4. cute headband!! you should have gotten it.

  5. 1. Go back and buy that headband.
    2. Yay Miss Sass-a-frass!
    3. Lost for *years*? Does that mean really for years or just since #insaneroadtrip?
    4. Did your brother cook you guys dinner? If so, I'm rather jealous! :)

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