I'm a horrible blogger friend

Life seems to have gotten out of control since May.  I feel horrible that I'm not commenting on blogs like I used to, but I am reading everyone's that I usually read.  And in the past week I've gotten two lovely shout-outs from two people that have fabulous blogs and maybe one day I will get to meet them in person.

The first is Erin.  She pretty much rawks.  I'm sure if you read my blog, you know who she is.  She was the Sister Spotlight this week.  She is a relatively new runner, but a couple of weeks ago she ran her first 5K and knocked it out of the water.  I'm flattered that she named me in her sisterhood post as a good cheerleader.  I'm fairly humble in my knowledge of running.  I pretty much knows what has worked for me and if someone asks for advice, I'm more than willing to help.

Because, people, running? As a sport? Is supposed to be FUN!  I know some of you think me crazy.  But running keeps me from going crazy.  Even bad runs help clear my head.  And really there is no "bad" run.  They all are good because you are out there and doing *something* with your body - taking time for yourself because we, as women/mothers/daughters/sisters/wives are important and deserve to take the time to do something just for us.  I have no guilt over that.

Another fabulous lady who is a beautiful writer and a runner who is getting back into her game is Chocolate Girl how could you not love someone who loves chocolate so much she named her blog after it?  I found her through You Capture at Beth's (which I'm totally slacking on participating on over the past months or so).  She is takes awesome pictures that always are so deep yet simple.  I'm a fan of Nuun, and she read my post where I talked about how much I puffy heart Nuun and bought some and loves it.

I think very highly of both of these ladies and feel honored that I either inspired them to try something new.

So know that I'm reading your posts too even if I'm not commenting.  You guys are like my little slice of bloggy heaven.  You keep me running, figuratively and literally.  Thank *you*!


  1. My guess is that if you meet one, you'll be able to meet the other. I know them both. Erin is my friend that I met through Beth of You Capture and Chocolate Girl is my daughter. They live about 15 or 20 miles from each other. You aren't a bad bloggy friend, you are just a busy bloggy friend. Have fun with Bari and drink a few STV's for me.

  2. Definitely not a bad blight friend, but a busy mom/tough muffed training bad ass! Next time you visit me, we'll drive a bit SW and visit Erin, Chocolate Girl & Nancy!

  3. Oh my gosh! I'm having a tough day, so seeing this just made it a thousand times brighter. You are an amazing cheerleader and I hope I can thank you and hug you for real someday, xo.

  4. Damn you auto correct! You know what I meant.

  5. Auto correct or not, that comment was so you.

  6. Cut yourself some slack, girl! You've been on an insane road trip. :) But those ladies are awesome so the shout out is much deserved!

  7. So it's not just me you are ignoring? BAHAHA! Kidding! <3 you!

    Word verification: sparkho



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