#insaneroadtrip day 27

Today? I took one picture while on the road. And it wasn't even on the road. This morning I got up and packed the truck and got ready to leave. Bari didn't pack anything so I couldn't smuggle her out with me. The big jerk.

We were going to drive up to Muskegon and take the ferry across Lake Michigan. I thought this would be a fun way to lessen the hours in the car.

Yeah. I would have rather driven those miles than have the day I had today.

To sum it up. Ferry + Lake Michigan + storm + not enough seats = me puking in a sink on the ferry and my kids on varying stages of nauseousness while ferry staff handed out vomit bags to the passengers.

I'm not sure I fully recovered from it only to get stuck in stop and go traffic on the freeway from Milwaukee to the Wisconsin Dells. I may have had a sobbing meltdown in the car today. Quietly so as to not alarm my passengers. We finally made it to Barb's mom's house as a storm was rolling in just before 7 pm.

She fed us, settled the girls in and has been wonderful.

I'm hoping tomorrow is better since we get on no boats.

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  1. I think Lake Michigan decided to be an angry bitch because you didn't just throw me in the back of your truck, suitcases or not. Granted, I probably would have been puking while hiding in the truck, & that would've been bad. PS-Squirt said to tell the girls she misses them :-)


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