#insaneroadtrip day 28

Night and day. That was the difference between day 27 and day 28. It also blows my mind that I started day 27 in Michigan and ending day 28 in western North Dakota.

The girls and I slept hard at Barb's mom's place and relatively leisurely woke up, packed, ate breakfast and headed out the door by 8:30. I was hoping to make the bunkhouse by 5 pm. I am not a fan of the way people drive in Wisconsin or Minnesota. But give me North Dakota! Open roads, 75 mph speed limits and cooler temperatures and I was in heaven.

I thoroughly enjoyed driving along I-94. The skies were blue, the land was so green. It was just beautiful. I know. I know. I like mountains. But there is a beauty in the rolling hills and openness of this part of the country.

We made it to the bunkhouse over an hour earlier than I had planned. For no other reason than Dickinson is in Mountain time not Central.

The girls had a blast. There were miniature horses to feed and ride.

There was food and drinks. There was the little river running behind the bunkhouse

There was a beautiful sunset

There were sparklers.

And glow stick creations

It was a good day! Thanks Melissa for having us!

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  1. You really have created quite the adventure that your girls will never forget. Happy 4th weekend

  2. I'm so glad you had a great day yesterday. The bunkhouse & the horses look so fun.

  3. Love the glow stick creations! Hug Lissa for me!

  4. We have loved hanging with you and the girls!! Xoxoxo


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