#insaneroadtrip day 29

Today was good. It started out with a good night's sleep and a mellow morning. There was lots of cheese in a can.

And a bit of STV.


Ozzy the fox dog

And mini horse rides with the girls at the reigns.

And a setting sun

It's been fun hanging with Lissa and her family.

Tomorrow? Montana here we come!

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  1. Have a safe drive to Montana!

  2. Cheese in a can. Ugh. So glad we got to chillax with all you lovely ladies!!

  3. Looks like some fun times. Be safe traveling on the holiday.

  4. Sounds like another fun day on #insaneroadtrip! Be safe as you make your way toward the West coast!

  5. I love reading your updates! It seems so long ago that you were in Texas. Safe travels.

  6. What's up with all the cheeze wiz? ha ha ha! Looks like the girls had fun riding the little horses. So cute!


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