#insaneroadtrip day 32

What a nice day! We leisurely woke up. Tiffany made us waffles for breakfast and after Sammy went down for his morning nap, Tiffany and I headed out to do SJ bootcamp. It was hard, yo. But we got it done. After cleaning up, Sammy woke up, we had lunch and hung out. And then I laid down on the couch and promptly passed out for an hour or so.

We then headed to one of the parks in the subdivision. It was hot!

After lots of complaining because of the heat we headed home. My 10yo was an awesome mother's helper for Tiffany.

For dinner there was wine and homemade pizza.

Hard to believe that one day on the road is all that separates us from the end of this journey.

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  1. You'll be home today, right? Wow. Amazing experience you've had Kirsten. I'm so impressed with this trip!

    And Sammy is SO cute!!!!!

  2. What an adventure you all have been one. Such awesome memories. I hope you took tons of pictures.

  3. So many great memories for you & your kids. Enjoy your last day. Hugs to you all.

  4. So good to see you guys! Come back anytime. :)

  5. So much fun! And Tiffany's boy is so stinkin' cute!


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