#insaneroadtrip day 33

This morning was a normal packing up and getting on the road. Except it was the very last day of this trip. How did that happen? We said final goodbyes to Tiffany and Sammy.

And got on the road. It was the same beautiful drive it always is.

And then our own Nevada mountains came into view.

And then home.

So a recap.
- Thirty-three days
- Twenty-five states
- Ten hookers
- One wedding
- One 90th birthday celebration
- One blown out tire
And the most impressive number...
8666 miles.

I hope, if nothing else, the girls remember the trip fondly. Because something of this magnitude will probably not be repeated. And I will always remember this adventure and all the friends and fun we had.

To those that played hotel, THANK YOU! It made the trip more fun and seeing all the kids playing together was truly priceless. I love you all.

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  1. I love that you did this! I want to try it sometime, but I'm askeeeered!

  2. You.are.awesome! So glad I was part of your journey. Glad you made it home safe!

  3. Welcome home!! You gave your girls and your friends some memories they will never forget.

  4. I love you too. You are welcome back at my place anytime you want. Thank you for letting me be part of your insaneroadtrip.

  5. What great memories you created for your girls!! Enjoy being back home and getting back into your normal routine.


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