2011 - A Day in the Life - week 31

Sunday 7/31

Family picture at Tahoe
courtesy of Tiffany's husband
Check out Sweet Pea's face.  She was in no mood to smile. 

This is Tiffany's little man.  He's a cutie pie. 

Monday 8/1

Dinner at Olive Garden.  That's Tiffany's husband, Sammy, and T. 

Tuesday 8/2

Starbucks free birthday drink postcard came!

Wednesday 8/3

Back at Tahoe! Twice in one week - I think that's a record. 
Not sure what was up with Sweet Pea's pose, but it was cute. 

Thursday 8/4

A bunny and a quail.  Just some of the wildlife in my backyard. 

Friday 8/5

This was at the end of the week performance for VBS.  
The girls had a good time.  
This was Sweet Pea's first year to go as she was *finally* old enough. 

Saturday 8/6

An early birthday present from one of my good friends, Tami.  
I'm not usually an anklet kind of girl, but this fit perfectly. 


  1. Love the lack of a smile in the first photo. :)

  2. Loved all the pictures. Your girls are so adorable, even when they aren't smiling.

  3. Looks like another great week! Love Sweet Pea's pose!


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