2011 - A Day in the Life - week 32

Sunday 8/7
An old key that goes to a hutch that was T's mom's.

Tuesday 8/8
My birthday cake that my girls and my mom made for me.
Chocolate with mini chocolate chips and chocolate cream cheese frosting.

Tuesday 8/9
On my way to meet a friend for dinner.

Wednesday 8/10
She was reading. She always looks so serious.

Thursday 8/11
These were plaques I found at Target.
The different takes made me giggle.

Friday 8/12
Me and my snuggler in the morning.
She usually sneaks in after T leaves in the morning.

Saturday 8/13
My new trail shoes. I'm hoping they work for me!


  1. cake and running shoes. Two things that I could really use right now. (Okay, maybe the running shoes could be used in a few weeks. The cake, however. I need it.)

  2. I miss little kid snuggles. I don't even get hugs anymore!

    The plaques were awesome.

  3. Another great week! Love your serious reader!


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