2011 - A Day in the Life - week 34

Week 34 out of 52?  Damn. Where does the time go? 

Sunday 8/21
My time out in the closet.  
T delivered me a glass of wine.  
It was appreciated and thoroughly enjoyed. 

Monday 8/22

Saw this notebook in Target. It made me laugh. 
I started out in Engineering. 
Then Philosophy. 
Then Psychology. 
Then Public Health. 
And then I dropped out. 

Tuesday 8/23

Second day of school!!
(Because I neglected to remember to take a picture on the 2nd day of school.)

Wednesday 8/24

Had to get the oil changed on my truck. 
Sweet Pea was thrilled because she loves the train table at the play area at Toyota. 

Thursday 8/25

Sweet Pea broke the last plate she made. She'd been begging to make another one. 
So the first week of school for the big girls gave us the time to do it. 
We will pick it up next week some time. 

Friday 8/26

One of the roses in our front yard.  I always forget about them because we never prune them. 
They are almost as tall as the roof.  But beautiful nonetheless. 

Saturday 8/27

I went out with a friend for dinner and drinks and shopping. 
I tried on many hats.  May do a separate post on the hats.  Some were pretty funny. 
But this one? I liked. 
Having short hair has made me like hats.  
I felt very 40s in this one.  
I now own it.  


  1. That notebook is awesome! You & the girls? Priceless.

  2. I love hats. But I seldom wear them.

    How are the girls liking school??? They look so cute!

  3. LOVE that hat! (I'm a hat girl...)

    And please tell me how to go about getting a time out in the closet. I'd like one of those. Thank you.

  4. Great pictures as always! Love the picture of the girls going off to school together!


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