You Capture - Ordinary Moments

I haven't participated in You Capture it seems like FOREVER.  I can't even tell you the last time I did.  But I'm going to try and get back on the horse, so to speak, and get 'er done.  

My ordinary moments are only ordinary in the fact that you wouldn't know how extraordinary they actually are unless you know us.  

The second day of school.  (I forgot to take pictures of the first day!)
The ordinary moment is just that.  The beginning of a new school year. 
All kids have them in some form or fashion. 
The extraordinary part of this? 
This was their first day heading to a traditional school. 
They were excited and nervous at this massive change. 
They came home smiling and happy and wanting to share all the details of their days. 
Which warms my heart. 


  1. I'm glad they had such a great first day. They look adorable in their uniforms, too. Hugs to you all!

  2. I thought so when I saw their uniforms - but I'm SO out of the loop!! I'm glad they had a good day and I'm love these photos!

  3. Too cool. Glad to hear they had a good first day. Cute pictures :)

  4. i'm glad they're off to a good start!

  5. WOW! I guess I didn't realize they were BOTH going! How did *you* do? I know it had to be strange :)

    Love you!!

  6. I'm so glad school is off to a good start for them! I hope they continue to love it!

  7. I'm so glad it went well for them!!


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