2011 - A Day in the Life - week 36

Sunday 9/4
How come no one ever told me about Skippyjon Jones? 
It may have been the vodka talking, but this book? 
Hysterical.  Well all of them that my friend Tami had were hysterical. 
I thoroughly enjoyed reading them out loud. I want to buy them all for me!

Monday 9/5

I made a picture for picture fail day. 

Tuesday 9/6

The concrete wall at the outdoor pool. Thought it looked cool. 

Wednesday 9/7

Look! Mountains and clouds! 
You've *never* seen those around here before. 

Thursday 9/8

Back at the pool. This picture just looks so summery to me.

Friday 9/9

We went to a fundraiser for the local hospital's Cancer Center and ran into McKenna, 
my niece who is in remission from Ewing sarcoma. We all had our pictures taken with her. 
So happy she is doing well after almost a full year of surgeries and chemotherapy. 
Love her smile.  

Saturday 9/10

Morning coffee.  Twas good. 


  1. I'm so happy McKenna is doing well. What a beautiful girl.

  2. So happy for McKenna and your family! Great pictures....

  3. Your cousin is GORGEOUS! So happy to hear she is doing well.


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