2011 - A Day in the Life - week 37

Sunday 9/11
A little reminder for myself. 

Monday 9/12

Another reminder to have patience.

Tuesday 9/13

Sweet Pea's school work. She did such a great job all by herself. 

Wednesday - 9/14

Squaw Valley USA. Site of Tough Mudder NorCal.

Thursday 9/15

Sweet Pea told me I had wrinkles when I squinted my eyes.  
I told her she did too. 

Friday 9/16

The sun on Lake Tahoe on our way to spend the night in prep for Tough Mudder. 

Saturday 9/17

Tough Mudder finisher.  
It only took 7 hours to complete.  At least 5 of those hours with a broken ankle. 
Read about my stupidity determination to finish here.

Also linking up to Elaine today!


  1. Oh my goodness! You are a tough mudder! And your girl is a cutie!
    (Can I fit anymore exclamation points into this comment?! Yup!!!)

  2. You will forever epitomize (am I using that word right) the meaning of Tough Mudder.

  3. That pic of the sunset is so pretty. And I love your little owl.

    I can hardly believe you're smiling in that last picture... ;) xoxo


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