September 11th

September 11 has always been a date I remembered.  It's my brother's birthday.  Here he is with my niece.  He turns 37 this year.

So, my big brother gets to share his birthdate now with this national tragedy.  

Back on my recap of the decade in January 2010, I wrote this about the month of September 2001

September – Flew out to Boise the weekend before 9/11 to house hunt.  T was going to get out of the AF at the end of his 4-year tour and wanted to finish his degree at Boise State.  Remember sitting in a hotel on the Greenbelt watching the twin towers fall, holding my 10-month-old baby wondering if T was going to be able to get out or would be shipping out somewhere dangerous.

It was definitely a defining moment for me.  The Air Force did let him out on a Stop Loss waiver a year later.  It amazes me that we are here 10 years later.  My baby is now about to be 11.  


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