2011 - A Day in the Life - week 41

Sunday 10/9
We were at the Apple Store. Photobooth has an "alien" setting. 
This made me giggle on a day I needed to giggle. 

Monday 10/10

 Psst! I like clouds. 

Tuesday 10/11

I might be getting addicted to Pinterest. 
I wish someone would pay me to do this. 

Wednesday 10/12

This little guy caught my attention.  He was on my bumper. 

Thursday 10/13

Got my Run the Hood swag bag in the mail!
Love the shirt!

Friday 10/14

I've decided that this looks like a good place to run away to. 
Who's coming with me?

Saturday 10/15

My oldest with her BFF at her birthday party this weekend. 
Her birthday isn't until the 23rd, but life is crazy, so this weekend it was. 
How is it that I'm going to have an 11-year-old kid? 
Not cool, universe.  Not cool. 


  1. wicked cool clouds!! and jealous of the run the hood gear. i haven't gotten mine yet. (my mail lady is cranky so who knows when i will)

  2. Now I'm wishing I'd signed up to run the hood!

  3. You take great pictures! What a great way to celebrate a birthday, with a bff!!

  4. That Wednesday photo, is that a crab or a spider? Crazy. And Bora Bora? Um..YEAH.

  5. that first picture had me laughing so hard, i snorted. HA!! man, those clouds are surreal. love all of these.

    [see? i AM catching up!!] ;)


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