
Fall is finally here.  Cooler temperatures.  Trees changing.  The light breeze that puts a chill in the air in the morning.  The seasons will always change whether we want them to or not.  I love fall.  Always have.  Fall seems fleeting though.  It never seems to last long enough before the chill of winter sets in.  But fall is definitely a transition, a transition that is inevitable.  One I look forward to and has always provided comfort to my soul.  Life is full of transition.  The kids go back to school.  Another birthday passes.  Last year's pants come out of storage to be tried on and it's then you realize how much they've grown.  You look in the mirror and see more gray, more lines on your face - hopefully from the joy in your life.  The shorter days.  The darker mornings.  Not wanting to get up because, man it's cold out there!

Change.  Fall.  Autumn.  Life.


  1. Nicely written. Trees are starting to change here too. Should make for a very pretty fall.

  2. I miss fall. It's one of my favorite seasons. Although it seems to be getting simultaneously cooler and less rainy here, so that's nice. But it doesn't beat that crisp CA air and pumpkin spice lattes. :)

    Hoping the change is for the good.

  3. I love fall. Our trees are starting to change around here and I'm so glad that this is when I get to take my maternity leave, so I can enjoy several daily walks with the baby to take it all in. :)

  4. Gray? What gray? I cover mine every 6 weeks! :)

  5. i love fall. i do not love what comes after fall.


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