2011 - A Day In The Life - Week 50

Sunday 12/11
Brought this tree home wrapped.  Got it out of the back of my truck. 
*Carried* it into the house.  Sawed off the trunk. Put it in the stand. 
Unwrapped it.  

Monday 12/12
This? Makes me laugh.  

Tuesday 12/13

I'm a running again. 
I'm a happy. 

Wednesday 12/14

Grilled cheese on sourdough. 

Thursday 12/15

Build-a-Bear birthday. 

Friday 12/16

*sigh* Early Christmas present for the big girls. 
Unlimited texting plans FTW. 

Saturday 12/17

I was at Target.  
Holiday Flamingo? 
This one baffled me.  
We are in Nevada. 
There are no flamingos that need to be holiday-fied. 


  1. Happy running! Woo!

    Beautiful tree - I'm totally impressed!

  2. Your tree is gorgeous!
    And I'd like a bite of your sandwich please.

  3. Hooray for running!

    And you just solved my lunch dilemma. THANK YOU!

  4. Hooray for running again! As for that tree? You effin' ROCK for putting that up yourself.

  5. wow - what a huge tree! its gorgeous!!


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