2011 - A Day In The Life - Week 52

Sunday 12/25
Peppermint boozed cocoa. 

Monday 12/26
I *may* have had two. 

Newest addition to the family. 
Meet Midnight (nicknamed Boo).

Tuesday 12/27

Beautiful sunset seen from my front yard. 

Wednesday 12/28

Opening a new bottle.  

Thursday 12/29

Hey look! I'm white trash! 
Plastic bag in one of the trees in the front yard. 
I did take it down after photographic proof was acquired. 

Friday 12/30

Good neighbors who bring you fresh eggs are awesome!

Saturday 12/31



  1. Happy New Year! Hope 2012 is a better year!

  2. OMG I want some of that cocoa. RIGHT FREAKING NOW. Ok, done yelling. Happy New Year, babe - I luffs you.

  3. Oooo, I absolutely LOVE guinea pigs! So cute! Of course the hot chocolate looks delicious after my recent discovery of chocolate martinis and Cup O' Joe Martini's at Bite in Incline!!


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