2012 - A Day in the Life - week 3

Sunday 1/15
My cousins and I. 
Only missing one cousin and my brother. 

Monday 1/16

My date picked me up for the evening so she could take me to the airport on Tuesday morning.  

Tuesday 1/17

Thought this view was pretty cool with the reflection. 


The rockies outside of Denver are pretty awesome. 

Wednesday 1/18

Love the clouds when they look all spiraly. 

Thursday 1/19

Oh look, a smirk! 

Friday 1/20

Three cats surrounding the guinea pig.  
This made me giggle as Boo was unconcerned when a paw would sneak through. 

Saturday 1/21

Need to order more.  Love this stuff. 


  1. I can't get over the photo of the guinea pig and the cats. Too funny! :)

  2. OMG the picture of the pig with the cats made me stifle a snicker during my conference. So funny!

  3. That looks like a sideways tornado... crazy!
    Glad you had a good trip and that you're home safe and sound.

  4. i have that same hat. it got covered in snow this past weekend. and i wished i had had the nuun while the hat was getting covered in snow.

  5. I love, love that pic of the cats and guinea pig.

  6. Omigosh, that pour guinea pig. You look adorable!


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