Happy 2012

This is new year.  It will continue to be one of transition.  One of honing in on what I want for me...for my girls.  One of continuing to do my best for them and being true to myself.  This morning didn't start out as I had hoped.  My day wasn't bright and shiny.  Though I desperately wanted it to be.

But I have plans for this year.  I have fun to be had with my girls.  Fun to be had with my family.  Fun to be had with friends.  Trips to take.  Races to run.  Races to train for.  Hookers to hang with.  Most likely moving to happen.  Ending of the old and having new beginnings.   Another year older.  Another year wiser.

This was the first year that I've looked forward to the new year.  I'm not a huge holiday person.  New Year's Eve for me has always been a good excuse to get together with friends and family and party and laugh and be merry.  But this year?  There is a deeper figurative turning of the tides that is happening.  A wiping of the slate.  An awakening of life.  Transition.  Continuing to break the bonds of who I was and evolving back into the strong, confident, happy person I once was.

There is sadness involved.  There always is at the end of anything.  But overall I am confident that this new beginning, this new life I've chosen, will lead me down a more fulfilling life.

I'm know who will stay by my side during this journey.  I have guesses as to who won't.  That is part of the sadness.  But my happiness.  My honesty to myself.  THIS is what I need to focus on.  I will focus on the forest instead of the trees.  I will focus on the beach instead of the 10 grains of sand rubbing between my toes.  I will focus on the mountains instead of the rocks on the path.  (Well, I will focus on those *most* days...I am human after all.)

Thank you to those who have always been by my side.  Thank you to those who have stepped up and held my hand.  Thank you to those of you I've yet to meet who will do the same.

I am the luckiest.


  1. It's gonna be a great year for you! Xoxoxo

  2. Happy New Year, Kirsten. I love you!

  3. Happy New Year. Here's to shedding of the old, and stepping forth to new beginnings! I hope for all the best for you. Sending love.

  4. Happy New Year! I hope 2012 holds much love, peace, and happiness for you!

  5. It's going to be a great year for you and your girls! I look forward to reading about it and hopefully, being a part of one of your goals this year! =)


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