11 Things

Thea is to blame for this.  Blame her.  But I need this.  I need to write here, but I'm without inspiration.  So thanks, Thea, for tagging me for this meme.

The Rules: 

  • Post these rules
  • You must post 11 random things about yourself
  • Answer the questions set for you in their post
  • Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer
  • Go to their blog and tell them you’ve tagged them
  • No stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this. You legitimately have to tag 11 people!
11 things about me:
  1. I'm sorta stealing this one from Thea, but I hate things between my toes.  I hate flip flops.  BUT...I love my Vibram FiveFingers.  I've decided that the difference is that your toes don't rub together with something between them.  
  2. Breaking my ankle last September only reinforced the fact that I'm stubborn and I won't be told I can't do something.  I was on crutches for 4 weeks and instead of asking someone for help in taking trash cans to the curb, I got it done.  With a sense a pride when I was done.  I think I even tweeted a picture of the trash cans.  
  3. My favorite show is Big Bang Theory.  It is the only show I make a point to watch weekly.  I love Sheldon.  All I have to do is picture Sheldon in the ball pit popping out of the balls at Leonard saying "Bazinga" and I giggle.  Which then makes me think of Sheldon laughing and I giggle even more. 
  4. I'm lazy and not concerned with girlie stuff.  I currently have different color nail polish on each foot.  But I have to admit that there isn't much polish left because I haven't pained them in MONTHS.  And I repainted my left foot because the purple nail polish seemed like overkill after I broke my ankle with purple/bruised toes and a purple cast, so I painted them red.  
  5. I have a waterfall in my house.  It's never been turned on.  I've always been scared it will blow something up because of the wiring.  
  6. My youngest has made me cool.  She has introduced me to K$sha, P!nk, BEP, Eminem.  Well, her and Pandora and repetition.  
  7. I am not the best cook around, but I do have a handful of dishes that I rock at.  Green chile stew is one of them.  
  8. Hearing The Star Spangled Banner always makes me tear up.  
  9. I love Salvador Dali.  I currently have 4 prints hanging on the walls in my house.  
  10. My favorite treats as a kid were Oreos and Coke.  Not necessarily together.  
  11. Everything Thanksgiving and Christmas I make dinner rolls from scratch.  There is nothing like fresh baked bread.  And I always make extra if my brother is eating with us, because he can put away at least a dozen on his own. 
Questions I was tagged with:
  1. In the movie of your life, what actors play your family?  This is hard to answer. I don't watch movies very often or TV for that matter.  Can I take a pass? 
  2. What one area of your life do you wish you could hire someone to do for you?  Clean and organize. 
  3. If I’m peeking through your window between the hours of 4pm to 6pm, what do I see?  Depends on the day.  If the girls are with their dad, I will be working.  If they are with me, I'm usually not home due to chauffeur duties.
  4. What television show do you put the kids to bed early for?  When Big Bang Theory wasn't available online, we would put the kids to bed early.  Now that you can find it online, I just watch it later.  (I'm old skool and don't have cable/satellite/DVR.)
  5. When’s the last time you wrote a card to someone when it wasn’t their birthday?  Last week.  A thank you card to a friend.  
  6. What’s the deal with time zones?  Time zones have to do with the rotation of the earth in relation to the sun.  :)  
  7. Do you prefer active vacations are lazy vacations?  I have to say both.  I want to be able to be lazy and just hang out...but I think that's because I rarely get to just hang out and relax.  But after a day or so of that, I'd be itching to go hike a mountain, play on the beach, go explore where ever I'm at.  
  8. What one song represents your life right now?  "Story of Us" by Taylor Swift.  Or "So What" by P!nk. 
  9. Do you do laundry every day or once a week?  Usually once a week it get washed and dried.  Folded and put away is usually a week-long endeavor.  
  10. Someone gives you $5000, no strings attached. What do you do with the money?   I'd like to say I'd pay off bills, but I think I'd spend it on a vacation to some place warm and beachy where I could just relax and zen out.  Which probably means I'd need a nanny too because I love my girls, but they like to talk.  A lot.  And answering questions constantly isn't relaxing.  :) 
  11. Are you happy?  In general? Yes.  Most definitely.  
My Questions For You:
  1. Are you a sports fan? If so, what's your favorite sport and why? 
  2. If you had to chose one place to live for the rest of your life and could never leave, where would you chose?
  3. Pets.  Do you like them?  If you could chose any animal for a pet, what would it be?
  4. What is your least favorite room to clean and why?
  5. If you won the lottery, what would you buy first? 
  6. When you were freshly graduated from high school and you looked into your future, are you where you thought you'd be at this point? 
  7. Have you taken any life-changing trips? If so where and why was it life-changing? 
  8. What's your favorite thing about blogging?
  9. Favorite drink...non-alcoholic and alcoholic (if you drink adult beverages). 
  10. Why are people so annoying sometimes? 
  11. Do you believe aliens landed on Earth in the 1960s in Roswell, New Mexico?
Consider yourself tagged:


  1. See? You love me. And I love you, too, so it all works out.

    But you owe me an answer about the movie stars. Study up, jerk.

  2. Love learning more about Kirsten!


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