New normal

We are in the thick of figuring out this "new normal".  The new normal that I keep telling my girls that we will adapt to.  It's hard but only because it's new.  Once it becomes normal, it won't seem so awkward anymore.  I'm lucky in the fact that at this point I still get to spend my days with Sweet Pea.  We are finishing our her kindergarten year in the home-based charter school that the older girls spent years with.  Right now, she's snuggled on the couch watching cartoons before we get started on her school work.  It's mellow and nice.  And two days a week on his weeks with the girls, I help out by picking the older two up after school until 6 when he gets off work.  Both of those days there are activities to take them to, but I get to see them.

Soon we will be in a new house.  T and I decided, after much teeth gnashing, that we can't afford this house.  This house we bought almost five years ago.  This house that gives me the space I love but is right in the middle of town.  But it's too much to take care of.  It's too expensive.  And so it's on the market as a short-sale.  This goes against everything in my body.  I was not raised to walk away from a commitment. So I guess at this point in time, I'm walking away from two.  It's hard to wrap my brain around some days.  But I know in my heart that both decisions are the right ones.

I'm hoping to have a house pinned down in the very near future and to be moved by the end of March.  Wish me luck on that one.  So much transition.  So many changes.

The new normal is scary, but soon enough it will  just be normal.


  1. I can't imagine the changes you are all going through.
    You are in my thoughts daily, and I'm hopeful for the day when this all does begin to feel "normal" for you.

  2. I'm happy for you that you get to stay so involved with your girls... even when it's not "your" day.
    One of my friends had a motto as she was going through all the changes of a divorce - "You can't make an omelet without cracking the egg."
    I thought it was cute. If you like omelets...

  3. You are so incredibly loved by so many people. Everyone will be here to help lift and support you, as well as give you a kick in the ass if we see you aren't taking care of yourself. I hope the move goes smoothly and that I get to visit you in that new house one of these days.

  4. Praying that your transition to "just normal" goes smoothly and swiftly, my friend.

  5. I've been thinking about you! xo!

  6. hoping the transition is as smooth (and quick) as possible.... hugs

  7. (((hugs))) Hope it begins to feel normal very soon.


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