2012 Day in the Life - Week 12

Sunday 3/18
A little peek from blue sky amongst the windy and clouds. 

Monday 3/19

Lunch. Twas yummy. 
English muffin, egg, cheese, and bacon.

Tuesday 3/20

Today was not a good day for me emotionally. 
So Sweet Pea and I went to the park and got on the swings side-by-side. 

Wednesday 3/21

My bed.  It was calling to me.  
And it was made.  Weird, I know .

Thursday 3/22

These boxes.  I hope to be filling them soon.  

Friday 3/23

This girl? I luffs her.  She came up with her accessories on her own.  
And then posed for me when I asked for a picture.  

Saturday 3/24

This may not look like much, but there used to be a hole in my wall.  
It's been there for 2+ years.  
It's now patched.  


  1. Love Sweet Pea - oh my word that girl is awesome!

  2. Oh my goodness, what an awesome picture of Sweet Pea!

  3. Hello,
    I came across your website and found it very enjoyable. I just had a couple of questions so if you could e-mail me back that would be great!

  4. swings make almost everything better. fact.


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