A Day in the Life - Week 10

Sunday 3/4
enjoying a little picnic

Monday 3/5

She was thrilled I let her spend her own money on a decaf mocha frap. 
Waaay too much sugar for her. So glad it was decaf. 

Tuesday 3/6

Thanks, Bari!

Wednesday 3/7 

These are two main pieces of jewelry I wear.  
They are my daily reminders.

Thursday 3/8

Blue skies and  mountains.  Two of my favorite things. 

Friday 3/9

Deer.  In town.  I always have to stop and take pictures when I see them. 
It blows my mind they they come this far into town. 

Saturday 3/10

I wish I could remember this one's name.  
He was sweet, but was also very disappointed that I didn't come bearing treats.  


  1. Great pictures this week! I love the horse you visited with - reminds me of my cow friend :)

  2. Love the guinea pig...those things are so dang cute. can't help but smile!!


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