Lara know you want some!

I love me some protein/granola/snack bar type eats. I've got three kids, work full-time in odd hours and some days I am one of those people who now forgets to eat. I know, I know, I never understood those people either. As I'm running out the door some days to play chauffeur, I'll grab a bar to tide me over until what is usually dinner. Lara bars are some of my favorites. Though I will admit since I've yet to see them at Costco (where I do most of my shopping) I don't buy them as often as I would like.

But today is your lucky day today. Well actually next Wednesday *could* be your lucky day as Lara has offered one of my lucky readers 2 Peanut Butter Cookie bars and 2 Cherry Pie bars.

I haven't tried either one of these flavors yet but I love the Blueberry Muffin and Peanut Butter and Jelly bars. I'm sure these two flavors will not disappoint. do you enter?

1. Leave me a comment telling me your favorite on-the-go snack.
2. Tweet this giveaway and leave the link in the comments. Feel free to tweet once a day and leave a new comment to increase your odds.

I will pick a winner next Wednesday night and announce the winner no later than Thursday morning.

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  1. My favorite on the go snack is usually a piece of fruit, but I also love Larabars, Luna Protein bars and crackers.

  2. My favorite on the go snack are those little boxes of raisins. Yum!

  3. I love Luna bars - but Lara bars are also awesome. So is an English muffin with some natural pb and honey.

  4. One of my faves would have to be a cheese stick (low fat of course :) )

  5. I always carry a protein bar of some sort (Luna, Lara, Cliff), because it can scare off a migraine if lunch gets to be too late.

  6. I usually go for a cheese stick or a handful of Mary's Gone Crackers.

  7. a pack of ramen ;) j/k! i've never tried lara, but i love luna bars. i also like "easy" fruit (bananas and such) for a quick snack

  8. clif bars, lara bars, kind bars... all yummy!

  9. I love the LunaBar protein bars. They are my "i don't have time to eat" foods. I like the LaraBars too!

  10. My go to snack is usually cereal. Cheerios, to be more specific. (And multi-grain cheerios to be more, more specific.) I tend to snack like a toddler.


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