2012 - A Day in the Life - week 14

Sunday 4/1
My reflection post an 8 mile training run. 
Rock N River half marathon here I come!

Monday 4/2

My rainbow manicure courtesy of the 6yo. 

Tuesday 4/3

24 beautiful fresh eggs. 

Wednesday 4/4

My Sass.  Deep in concentration on her current book. 

Thursday 4/5

Have I mentioned I really like some cinnamon whiskey? 
Gives me warm fuzzies when the wind is howling. 
Which lately is a lot.  :)

Friday 4/6

My little owl reminding me to have patience. 

Saturday 4/7

This was a 5K I ran.  It was actually 3.2 miles. 
And my time was actually 28:00 as I hit start and put my phone away before the gun went off.  
So impressed with my time. 

and because this was too funny

Cat vs. Chicken. 
We've concluded that since there are 12 more chickens out there, 
the cat would lose. He's only tough due to the glass door between them. 


  1. Do you HAVE chickens??? I'm trying to convince the Jdogg to let me get some.

  2. That is quite a manicure! Love it.

  3. Great job on your 5k! I've heard cinnamon whiskey is good, but never had it. I'll have to try it next time I go out.


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