2012 A Day in the Life - Week 19

Sunday 5/6
Start line for my first half marathon since Tough Mudder. 

Monday 5/7

The discrepancies in egg production. 

Tuesday 5/8

Oh my girl!

Wednesday 5/9

Thinking I need to make some of this.  
It was soooo yummy!

Thursday 5/10

Personally I think "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" is doing me well. 

Friday 5/11

This is a picture of a new chick and one four weeks old.  
Sweet Pea is holding them both.  
I still am in awe of how fast these chicks grow. 

Saturday 5/12

Sass wanted Starbucks.  We went during frap happy hour. 
She bought mine as an early Mother's Day present. 


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